Key West Adventures
Sunday - the day after the race was dedicated to relaxing. I spent most of the day on my computer editing wedding photos and resting. Mom and Aunt Cynthia went for a walk and shopping, Steve hung out reading and working on a puzzle and Andy ran around the island. Andy had told me how he ran past the Ernest Hemingway House and a few other cool spots. So after dinner we headed out, via car, to see the sites.
When Andy ran past Ernest Hemingway's house he just jumped up to look over the wall to see the house. Well, with my bumm shoulder I couldn't really jump up to see over the wall. I tried climbing up onto Andy's back, but realized my shoulder couldn't handle it so I tried climbing on his back a different way so my right arm was free to take photos. Bad idea, because of my shoulder I couldn't lift my right arm up high enough to take a photo. I was also trying to stay modest because I was in a dress and sliding down Andy's back. While all of this was going on there was a guy at the ticket booth that saw us.
He called out to us "What are you guys doing?", sigh, "come here" - he let us into the Ernest Hemingway grounds for free! So we quite happily walked through the grounds and took lots of photos. Great Times!
A couple blocks away is the Southernmost Point in the US, a beautiful light house and pier
Finishing our self-guided-tour of the Hemingway house we excited through the back garden gate and onto Olivia Street! Yes, that is correct Ernest Hemingway's house is on Olivia Street, proof is in the mail box. We finished the day with visiting the "Southernmost Point in the Continental U.S.A" and pina colada's.
Key West & other Florida Adventures
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