South Dakota Road Trip - Carhenge
In the spring of 2015, Andy mentioned this crazy place called Carhenge in Nebraska. I asked him if he'd like to go see it and that is what sparked the idea for our South Dakota Road Trip. Nebraska isn't that far of a drive from where we are in Boulder, Colorado so we extended our trip up to Mt. Rushmore and other cool places in South Dakota for a fun filled weekend road trip.
We left on a dark and stormy friday afternoon in the middle of May. As we drove north through Colorado, east through Wyoming and into Nebraska we went through so many rain storms. The above photos shows a storm we were headed in to and the blue sky we were leaving behind. Carhenge is a few miles north of Alliance, Nebraska. There is a website where you can read and look up direction here:
Once we pulled up to the Carhenge parking lot there wasn't a person in site and the storm was right over our heads. There was a constant rumble of thunder, but when the drops became less intense we jumped out and ran from car to car for cover photos and rain cover.
Carhenge, yes pretty odd, but there is a story behind it. There once was man that wanted to honor is father who had passed away. The dad had a fascination for Stonehenge so the son decided to build Carhenge with old model cars. It is built to scale and works just like Stonehenge with the summer solstice. There is more to the history and story, but that is the short and condensed version.
After running around Carhenge we headed onward to South Dakota for more adventures. We got away from the storm and when the sun was setting we got a lovely double rainbow. We camped at Heartland RV Park which had great prices and plenty of space for us. They have wifi and the bathrooms were super clean. I pulled up a chair in the ladies room and proceeded to charge my laptop and catch up on my show Survivor before going to bed.
Me in my Stonewear Design Liberty Pants and Tango Tank Top - super comfy for traveling.
More posts on my South Dakota Road Trip:
- Carhenge, Nebraska - Current Blog
- Wind Cave, Crazy Horse & Jewel Cave