Ocean Beauty and Missing it
As much as I love the mountains topped with snow and rolling hills of green grass with horses running around, but the swimmer in me misses the ocean. A couple years ago I went to a freinds wedding in San Luis Obisbpo and on my trip back I stopped at a few places to break up the drive home. Look back at these photos makes me miss open water swimming.
Looking back through these photos I remember my state of mind as I was walking along the shoreline. I was thinking about how many cars are passing by on the pacific coast highway and don't even realize what they are missing. People are so busy with their lives of getting somewhere and doing something that they never stop to just enjoy the beauty around us. It's odd to me that photographers like me take the time to appricate the details around us, take photos of them, have them printed (I don't but others do), and put them up in galleries... then people all over look at them amazed and think "Man I've never seen that before". Well if you just slowed down, take a walk and just be in the moment you'd see way more.
Example #1 on the vertical photo of the pier reflection in the water... did you see the starfish on the only pillar that is at a diagonal?
Example #2 the starfish photos, it looks like there are only 4 starfish, but if you look closer there are 6! The water and the waves change constantly so there are some underwater and some untop of eachother.
Example #3 not many people think about rock as something colorful or evn water rushing back away from the shore, but when you stop and look closer you start to see tones of colors and the ripples and texture they create when water runs over them.
Example #4 why does on cattail weed curved like a "?" and the other straight?
Example #5 and with the sea aniname... how many colors doe sit have exactly?